Privacy Policy

At Elvstrøm SailWear we value your personal privacy and are committed to safeguarding your personal information in accordance with applicable regulations and online protection standards.

As a responsible entity, it is our utmost responsibility to protect the personal information you provide us as a user on this site.

We kindly request that you carefully read and understand our policy before interacting with us.

Please note that some pages on our website may contain links to third-party websites. These websites have their own privacy policies and Elvstrøm SailWear A/S cannot be held responsible for their operations or information handling practices.

If you choose to provide information to or through these third-party websites, we strongly recommend that you review their respective privacy policies before disclosing any personal information.

Thank you for reading this information. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the handling of your personal information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Privacy policy – collection and use of personal data

Processing of personal data – performance of contract

In connection with your purchase from us, you have entered various personal data. Including in particular:

• Your name

• Your address

• Your e-mail address

• Your telephone number

• Your payment data

We process this personal data in connection with the forwarding of your purchase as it is necessary for us to perform our part of the transaction and for a limited period subsequently to ensure that things proceed as planned. As soon as this information/data is no longer needed, it is deleted from our system.

If you have ordered delivery, the data on your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address will be provided to our freight company with a view to delivery of your purchases.

Processing of personal data – consent

If you have ticked the checkbox “please send me newsletters”, we process your e-mail address and data on your purchases/registration with us until it is no longer relevant. In practice that means until you tell us that you no longer want to receive e-mails from us.

You can always withdraw your consent. This you can do by either using the link at the bottom of our e-mails or by directly contacting us via e-mail and informing us that you no longer want to receive our newsletters.

Data security

Irrespective of whether we process your data with a view to performing a contract or on the basis of your consent, we will always process your personal data in a secure and confidential manner in accordance with legislation in force, including the general data protection regulation and the Danish Data Protection Act.

Your data will be used only for the purpose for which it was collected and will be deleted when that purpose has been met or is no longer relevant.

We engage third parties to process your payment data and handle your purchases by means of our CRM system. We have concluded data processing agreements with these processors, which is our guarantee that they comply with the rules in force on protection of your personal data.

Information, objection, change, data portability and erasure

You can always contact us to be informed which of your personal data we have. This you can do by contacting Elvstrøm SailWear A/S at

If there are errors in our data you can always request a correction so that we have the correct data and you are also entitled to access to the data in a normal format (data portability). If you want to have your data changed or you have a request for data portability you are also welcome to write us at the above-mentioned address.

If you no longer want us to process your personal data or you want us to limit the processing of your personal data you can also send us a request in this respect to the above-mentioned e-mail address.

Your data (except your e-mail address in connection with other relevant data if you have consented to processing of such data with a view to receiving offers) will be deleted 6 months after you received your article/service.

Our Cookie policy

Introduction – to you who visit us

At Elvstrøm Sailwear, we use cookies on our website to give you a better experience on our website and make everything easier for you.

Cookies are a rather complex concept, but basically cookies are small ‘programmes’ that collect data on your behaviour on a given website. We use cookies among other things to see the number of visits to our website and to see the number of visits to sub-sites; to make the user experience better.

In connection with management of a website, the use of cookies is useful at many places.

In addition to that, we also collect data from our website. If you complete e.g. a contact form we keep that data in order to use the data in an appropriate way, i.e. to contact you.

In this context, we endeavour to be as transparent as we can to give you a good idea of how we collect your data and how we handle it.

It is important to understand that you are always welcome to write to us and ask questions about our cookie and privacy policy.

Which data do we collect?

We collect only the data you yourself consent to when you visit our website.

We may ask you for:

• “Personal data” – what is defined as Personal Data is data which can identify you as a person or which may be unique to you. It may be your name, your e-mail address or telephone number.

• “Other data” – it may for example be your firm name or company name, your trade or the browser you have used to visit our website.

• Generally, we do not collect “Sensitive Data”. Sensitive data involves data concerning your personal attitudes, religious belief, race or ethnicity etc. Should we collect such data we will strictly make you aware of this before you provide such data.

How do we collect the data?

We collect the data in two different ways. Directly and indirectly.

You give us direct access to your data for example:

• If you complete a form on our website (irrespective of the form, data will be stored for a limited period)

• Respond to surveys or the like from us

Indirectly, we collect data automatically when you visit our website. The first time you visited our website (and many other websites) you accepted the use of cookies. These cookies contribute to collecting data concerning your activities on our website and services. It may for example be:

• Traffic data (digital)

• Location

• Browser

among other things, which cannot identify you as a person but help us to know how many visitors we have on our website, how many have contacted us or made a purchase, to compile statistics.

We cannot identify individuals when we use this data which is automatically transferred to a programme called “Google Analytics” on which you can read more here: Google Analytics

Should you ever want a general idea of the cookies we (and others) use you can find guides to the various browsers here:


If you want to know which cookies are most frequently used, you can find more information at

Why/how do we use the data we collect?

There may be many reasons why and how we use the data we collect. Below, we present a couple of reasons:

• To create a better experience on our website. We may look at your activities on our website so that we can later update our website to make it is easier for you to navigate on it.

• It may be to show you sales promotion for one of our products at some other time or on a different medium. Oppositely, it may be to exclude you from our sales promotion if you have already bought our product.

• To be able to reply to any inquiries you send us.

• To know how many daily, monthly and annual visits we have on our website.

There are very many reasons why we collect data and essentially it is to attempt to improve our business so that we can always make the experience our customers/visitors have of our website better.

Get access to, edit and delete your own data

You are always welcome to contact us and find out which kind of data we have in relation to you and possibly have the data deleted if required.

All the information we have provided above we have provided to be transparent concerning the data we collect via our website and we hope that it has given you good insight into how we use the data we collect via our website.

Contact details:

Elvstrøm Sailwear A/S
CVR no.: 43681990
Paul Elvstrøms Vej 4
DK-6200 Aabenraa
T.: +45 73 62 95 00